Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wednesday's Workout "Hump"

I woke up Wednesday with the intention of working out before I had to go to work...then I hit the snooze button and woke up 30 minutes later. Since that opportunity was lost, I found time during the day to complete an altered version of what I had planned to do at home. Here it is:

"Hump" Workout

Exercise: Set #1 Set #2 Set#3 Set #4 Set #5
32kg 2-KB Front Squat: 3 3 3 3 3
BW Jump Rope: 100 80 60 40 20
BW Sit-Ups: 50 40 30 20 10
30 lbs. Db Walking Lunge: 50 40 30 20 10
BW Pullups: 25 20 15 10 5
BW Box Jumps: 25 20 15 10 5

*rest approximately 2-3 min. between sets or as needed.

Total Time: 41:49 min.

Front Squats were performed with 1 32kg bell in each hand, elbows touching tops of knees at bottom and with a controlled descent and knee/hip lockout at the top.
Jump Rope was performed at a steady state as an active recovery during the set.
Sit-Ups were performed w/ straight, locked-out arms and a flat back. Emphasis was placed on NOT using momentum to come up.
Walking Lunge was performed by holding arms at sides, locked-out, with a focus on utilizing the core to stabilize the weights and keep them still during the movement. The repetitions here are a total number, so 50 = 25/leg.
Pullups were performed as a combination of Kipping and Strict with rest as needed.
Box Jumps were performed with an explosive arm-drive to accompany the jump, as well as a controlled, eccentric decent at the top of the squat on the plyo box.

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